Mystic River Boathouse Park
The 1.5 acre peninsula site the upper Mystic River was created during the 19th and early 20th century industrial period by the deposition of coal slag and other refuse generated by the adjacent Rosie Velvet mill. Eventually occupied by a house and out-buildings, the property now the Mystic River Boathouse Park, was vacant for several decades until the Trust for Public Land helped the Town of Stonington acquire ownership of the site in 2017. Just north of the Mystic Seaport, the site is located on a part of the river largely hemmed by private property. The new park will open public access to one of Connecticut’s most scenic and historic coastlines.
K+F was selected to lead a participatory planning process that includes community stakeholders and the Stonington High School crew team. A new boathouse on the site will provide the team with a permanent home. A new dock will provide access for the team and allow the public to launch non-motorized personal watercraft. The waterfront will incorporate natural materials and native plants creating a “living shoreline”. The remaining site area will accommodate a parking lot, lawn and landscaping.